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Autor(es): Pas Reform
Download FileDe: Pas Reform
Dónde: Publicación propia
Origen: HolandaHolanda
Cuándo: 2006
Lenguaje: English
Homogenous temperature distribution is the single most important parameter for successfully incubating today's modern breeds, each of which has a unique temperature 'signature' for embryonic development. Even minor temperature fluctuations can have a major impact on uniformity and post hatch performance. With SmartSet™, the average difference in eggshell temperature is less than 0.5 °F. Its modular design meets this specific requirement by enabling set points to be defined separately for each section of 19,200 hen eggs - allowing for both single-stage (All in/All out) and multi-stage incubation. With capacities up to 115,200 hen eggs, SmartSet™ is the largest closed-door, single-stage incubator available on the market today. Once the trolleys are in, total system control is possible from outside the setter, eliminating any need to move trolleys during the setting period and fully preserving the integrity of heat management and distribution.


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